Environmental Sustainability Pledge

1.1 Purpose
We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and to continually improving our environmental
performance as an integral part of our business strategy. We recognise that environmental risks and
opportunities may have an impact on the key strategic competencies that create and deliver value to
Lexicon’s business model.
The Head of Business is responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented. However, all employees
have a responsibility in their area to ensure that the aims and objectives of the policy are met.
1.2 Scope
This policy is applicable to Lexicon and all local subsidiary operations where Lexicon has management
control (collectively referred to as the “Lexicon”) and includes:
a) All executive and non-executive directors, as well as the company secretary of any company within the
b) Officers within Lexicon;
c) Any senior manager appointed within Lexicon;
d) Full time or fixed term employees;
e) Contractors; and
f) External visitors.
2.1 Aim
We endeavour to:
• Comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements and other compliance obligations.
• Continually monitor and reduce our direct environmental impact, and wherever possible, our indirect
impacts associated with our supply chain.
• Understand and be responsive to environmental challenges and how they impact our business.
• Incorporate environmental factors into business decisions.
• Increase employee awareness and training.
• Through this policy and our actions we seek to protect and build our reputation across all aspects of
our business
2.2 Our commitments
• Lexicon will strive to become the leader in sustainable practices within the business units by maintaining an
innovative environmental policy and positioning ourselves on the cutting edge of sustainable ideas, practices,
methods and technologies.
• Lexicon shall integrate environmental management into planning and decision making.
• Operate in compliance with all applicable legislation and compliance obligations.
• Lexicon will identify and manage environmental aspects in order to:
– Minimise greenhouse gas emissions.
– Promote efficient use of materials and conserve resources.
– Optimise and minimise resource consumption.
– Protect the environment and prevent pollution.
– Minimise waste in line with our target of zero waste to landfill by 2028.
– Commit to the principle of reduce, reuse and recycle.
– To ensure the safe handling and storage of waste on all our sites.
– To prevent, minimise and regulate waste generated at source.
– Applying renewable energy alternatives and other green technologies within our facilities, wherever these
alternatives are available, economical and suitable.
– Use adaptation measures to protect our business and stakeholders against the impact of climate change.
– Influence our suppliers to improve environmental performance across our supply chain.
• Lexicon is committed to using our sphere of influence to promote environmental awareness and drive
behavioural change among all stakeholders, particularly staff and clients.
• Where carbon or resource targets have been set, a clear strategy and action plan to achieve such targets
will be undertaken, and our progress against these targets will be reviewed and progress communicated.
• Lexicon recognises that an effective response to climate change will require an informed and collaborative
approach informed by research initiatives aimed at enhancing understanding of the risks of climate change
on our business model and assessing the implications thereof
We, Lexicon, views any non-compliance to this policy as well as any non-compliance with its obligations in
terms of legislation in a serious light. Any deliberate action by an employee to contravene the above will be
subject to disciplinary action or termination of employment.
All instances of non-compliance with this framework will be included within the regular risk reporting