Professional Services

IT Professional Services can be defined as the delivery of technology-related services to a customer, allowing them to focus on their core business concerns. Services can range from consulting and advising on a strategy to product deployment and data analytics.

Professional IT services help businesses overcome specific challenges through a dedicated project, such as a cloud migration or the deployment of new hardware. This is a one-off project, but is often a comprehensive one—the scope can extend from planning and strategy through to design, implementation, adoption, training and can even involve future ongoing support.

 At Lexicon, we offer professional services for business that need immediate help for a specific pain point or problem, including planning strategically for your future growth. Find out more about our professional IT services.

Lexicon’s Professional IT Services offer simple solutions to your team’s most advanced business problems. We work with you to plan, design, implement and support your IT strategy, helping you to make your future projects a success.

Through continuous research and innovation, Lexicon maintains a suite of proven technology integrations that best serve growing organizations. We always know what’s new, what works, and what products live up to their promises.

Strategic Guidance to
Empower Your Team

Strategic Consulting

Our industry professionals focus on bridging the gap between your team and the technology they use to do their jobs. We thoughtfully work alongside your team to fully understand your challenged and purpose solutions that align your technology with your strategic goals.

Security Consulting

Now, more than ever, businesses are concerned about their level of defense against cyber-attacks and internet security threats. Security planning can be overwhelming when you have to deal with things like the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend, non-employee access, multiple connectivity options, and more.

Cloud Consulting

We've developed a simple process to help you determine if a move to the cloud is right for all or part of your technology infrastructure. It's called our Cloud Readiness Assessment, and this tool utilizes both qualitative interviews and quantitative analysis of your network traffic to determine what services could benefit from a migration to the cloud

Our Assessments

Network Assessment

Are you looking at rolling out new business applications on your network, or maybe having performance issues with the applications you already have? Our  Network Assessment uses leading assessment tools to identify network issues in your existing infrastructure, or to assess your readiness to begin network infrastructure development, expansion or upgrade projects.

Risk Review

Stay ahead of threats, prepare for compliance audits and employ accurate vulnerability coverage with a baseline security assessment, powered by our industry-leading partners. Lexicon’s Baseline Risk Review Assessment provides an accurate understanding of your organization’s infrastructure to help you identify potential security risks and promote compliance with security best practices.

Cloud Readiness

While the benefits of moving to the cloud are clear, often the complexity of migration and integration can impede actually getting there. Our Cloud Readiness Assessment can help by taking the mystery and uncertainty out of cloud migration and enable you to make strategic choices based on your unique business requirements.

Penetration Testing

A penetration test, also called a pen test or ethical hacking, is a cybersecurity technique that organizations use to identify, test and highlight vulnerabilities in their security posture. These penetration tests are often carried out by ethical hackers. These in-house employees or third parties mimic the strategies and actions of an attacker to evaluate the hackability of an organization’s computer systems, network or web applications. Organizations can also use pen testing to evaluate their adherence to compliance regulations.

Pen testing is considered a proactive cybersecurity measure because it involves consistent, self-initiated improvements based on the reports the test generates. This differs from nonproactive approaches, which don’t fix weaknesses as they arise. A nonproactive approach to cybersecurity, for example, would involve a company updating its firewall after a data breach occurs. The goal of proactive measures, such as pen testing, is to minimize the number of retroactive upgrades and maximize an organization’s security.

Vulnerability Testing

Vulnerability testing, a software testing technique performed to evaluate the quantum of risks involved in the system in order to reduce the probability of the event.

Vulnerability Testing – checklist:

  • Verify the strength of the password as it provides some degree of security.
  • Verify the access controls with the Operating systems/technology adopted.
  • Verifies how easily the system can be taken over by online attackers.
  • Evaluates the safety level of the data of system.
  • Checks if the system configuration or application configuration files are protected.
  • Checks if the system allows user to execute malicious script.

Vulnerability Testing – Methods:

  • Active and Passive testing
  • Network and distributed testing
  • Verifying File/system access